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You are currently browsing all posts tagged with 'baby'.
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Humming – part two

  • Posted on July 2, 2014 at 8:38 pm


Oh my, how time has flown while I’ve been having fun OR not. Life has been difficult lately and the silliest of things inspired me to write this post tonight. I spotted my first hummingbird of the summer right there in my own back yard, flitting from flower to flower. Blooms have popped open over the last few days with our recent burst of warm weather here in the great Northwest. So yes….it was literally a hummingbird that enticed me to post part two of Humming.

IMG_1519That being said, the second baby quilt for my youngest grandchild was delivered on time for his first birthday. I obtained paint chips from his mama that were used to create a vibrant nursery long before he was born and used these to purchase fabrics for his quilt.


As this quilt was my own design, I was incredibly compelled to put it together. The bright colors and the spectacular blue and green wiggly stripe were fun to work with. I found complete joy in transferring the design in my head to paper, and then cutting and piecing the fabric together in a cohesive top. The finished quilt was a result of my individual creative journey in connecting with my grandson.

I’ve talked about inspiration in previous posts, but I haven’t touched on how the creative process itself can be inspiring. Sometimes I can talk myself out of working on a project because I am tired or upset with aspects of my life that are beyond my control. When I choose to throw myself into the process anyway, a soothing calm usually comes over me. I am invigorated and refreshed, and my creative juices start flowing with the simplest of tasks involving fiber, fabric, beads, or embellishments. Amazing!


Our responsibilities and obligations take up much of our daily lives, but these are not who we are. They do not define us. I believe that our true selves lie in all things that bring us joy. I invite you to lighten your load, wrap yourself in comfort and hum within the creative process…whatever that may be.

– Karen

Humming – part one

  • Posted on June 5, 2014 at 5:17 pm

I’ve been very persistent in getting some projects finished over the last few weeks. There were ups and downs along the path to completion, and without focus they would have remained UFOs (unfinished objects) like so many others.


The quilt pictured here was made for a grandchild who turned one recently. His mother picked it out while she was pregnant, so it is not my original design.

I struggled with stitching the giant appliquéd elephant. The fusing material that was used made the area stiff. Note to self: use a lighter weight fusible for bonding layers together. The other aspect that proved frustrating was that it kept gumming up on the needle and creating skipped stitches as I appliquéd and quilted through these layers. Ugh! I compensated by cleaning and replacing the needle often throughout the project.

While this quilt encouraged me to be patient with the process, there was a great deal of satisfaction in its finishing. I enjoyed creating a pieced back to the quilt for added interest and watching it come together. The little one received his quilt late for his first birthday, but it was personalized just for him with love from his Oma.



As you fashion your own heirlooms for family or friends, trust the process, your own creativity and problem solving skills to the end.  Enjoy the gratification that comes from finishing your endeavors through to completion.

Until part two…be creative!
